Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.
— Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verse 20


Yoga is an invitation - an invitation to feel fully alive - to remember the living force of our essence nature that we tend to forget amidst the suffering and confusion of our humanness. It’s an invitation to open the gates of our body, mind, and heart to experience real intimacy with life by feeling into it - by loving into it - as a glorious process of becoming.

Communally, yoga invites us to experience a reverence for life - the sacred multiplicity in oneness, and the interconnectedness of all. Yoga harmonizes our relationship with our environment - with everything and everyone around us.

Physically, yoga invites us to experience healthful embodiment. Yoga stabilizes, balances, and refreshes our body.

Mentally, yoga invites us to experience calmness and clarity. Yoga soothes our mind.

Emotionally, yoga invites us to experience open-heartedness. Yoga holds our feelings and vulnerabilities.

Intellectually and intuitively, yoga invites us to experience insight. Yoga pours epiphany into our knowings.

Soulfully, yoga invites us to experience infinite love. Yoga embraces us as the beloved so completely we fall in love with all that is.

Spiritually, yoga invites us to experience cosmic oneness. Yoga causes us to experience a merging of the finite and infinite.

Yoga is not preachy or proselytizing. It’s inviting. It’s an open-handed offer to explore your “self” - to become more sensitive to and harmonize all of experience - to discover who and how you actually are - to realize what’s most meaningful to you - and to experience the inherent freedom of existence. It’s an opportunity to step out of the fixations in your life - the incessant doing of things and checking them off a never ending list - and allowing yourself to open to possibility.

How better could you be spending your time? You probably wouldn’t be checking out this information if you didn’t already trust the power that yoga actually is - to heal and awaken.



Many yoga courses may be available to you - each with a different focus. What distinguishes our courses from others is our heart-centered approach. Our courses have whole lotta heart - a heart-full approach to exploring the emancipatory force that yoga really is - and a heart-full way of connecting in community.


We nurture inclusive community and co-create space for connection and refuge. We understand how joy and sorrow are not individual matters, but rather inextricably related to the joys and sorrows of others. We recognize both the great beauty and extreme suffering in the world and are committed to maintaining an open and loving heart while also actively opposing all forms of delusion, hatred, and greed.

We cultivate awareness, HONESTY, AND LOVE.

Through multi-faceted yoga practices, we feel into the physical, mental, and emotional experience of being alive with awareness, honesty, and love. We lean into an authentic recognition of “what is” and practice relaxing around tension held in our bodies, minds, and hearts. This allows us to create a wise relationship with the nature of experience from the deepest part of human experience - from the dynamic continuum of consciousness. 


Instead of focusing externally on something to make us feel ok, we practice turning our attention inward for greater self-awareness. Through a process of inner inquiry we practice identifying our personal limits (driven by fear and desire) and opening beyond those limitations. This allows us to move out of conditioned, habitual body-mind cycles and protection-seeking ego patterns and move into an honest and loving recognition of “what is.”

The supreme purpose and goal for human life. . . is to cultivate love.
— Sri Ramakrishna