All good things are wild and free.
— Henry David Thoreau, Walking

The giving of many is what allows the courses to be offered so freely. Anyone who’s experienced benefit from our offerings is invited to give for the benefit of others.

There are many ways to give beyond financial contributions. Giving includes all types of altruistic service, inside or outside of our yoga community. Giving also includes generously sharing yoga and consistently practicing yoga with honesty and love. This kind of perpetual giving makes living yoga possible.

In giving, we loosen the grip of our greatest source of suffering - self-absorption. We expand our hearts in a way that recognizes we are not actually separate from others. Giving is a letting go of a sense of separateness that’s based in ignorance. When we practice giving, we feel into how we all depend on one another - how we are all part of the whole. In this way, giving is the natural response of the awakened heart.

You’re invited to give according to your volition and means - in whatever ways resonate with you. You might like to make monetary donations, contribute to our collective resources, or dedicate your time and skill to assist our community. Financial offerings subsidize the costs incurred for our facility use, insurance, website, course materials, Yoga Alliance registration fees, and practice supports (like chairs, mats, blocks, bolsters, blankets, cushions, straps, and cleaning supplies).

Every act of giving is an opportunity to feel into the lack of separation between the one who gives and the one who receives.